Sunday, September 15, 2019

'Thunderhead' Japanese Black Pine

Thunderhead Pine
'Thunderhead' (Pinus thunbergii) is a choice shrub selection of Japanese Black pine. This medium-sized evergreen shrub conifer grows 10 to 12 feet high and 12 to 15 feet wide (in 10 - 15 years). Its distinctive cottony terminal buds and dark green densely packed needles are strikingly beautiful in the fall-winter landscape.

“Billowy emerald clouds of densely packed needles” best describes the overall look of Thunderhead pine.  Silvery white candles (shoots) grow 10 - 12 inches long in response to warm spring temps.  The candles reach their full length by late May and the long bright green needles enlarge. Branches are rigid and its lower needles are mostly retained.

Disease and pest problems are rare when sited properly in the landscape. Thunderhead is tolerant of moderate wind, drought, and salt spray. Provide shelter from harsh winds to minimize off-color in winter. Availability is primarily from specialty conifer nurseries on-line or regional conifer nurseries.

Desired location is moderately acidic soils that are well-drained and in full to partial sun. Provide a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight. Plant in late winter to early fall from container or balled and burlapped (B&B) stock. Feed annually in late winter with 10-10-10 or equivalent granular fertilizer. Allow 1-2 years to become established after planting; hence forth drought and heat tolerant.

Pruning is rarely necessary except for desired shaping and sizing; cut back new shoot growth (“candles”) between late May to early June before needles are fully expanded.

Thunderhead Japanese black pine a wonderful low maintenance, dark green, evergreen shrub conifer that deserves a place in your landscape.

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