Here are four species which are easy to grow:
- Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides)
- Autumn fern (Dryopteris erythrosora)
- Lady fern (Athryium felix-femina)
All four are not finicky, demonstrate good drought tolerance and grow in soil with little to no additional soil prep. Ideally, you should them in a richly composted garden soil along with adequate moisture over long dry spells. A weak fertilizer solution monthly from April to August will get all off to a good start in the first year.
Northern maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum) - (pictured)- prefers well-drained, highly composted soils and supplemental moisture during long summer dry spells. Keep soil near pH 7.0 (neutral) by occcasional liming every few years if soil pH drops.